The Electromagnetic Spectrum is Continuous and There is No Sharp Division

Continuous spectra of electromagnetic radiation

Such spectra are emitted by any warm substance. Heat is the irregular motion of electrons, atoms, and molecules; the higher the temperature, the more rapid the motion. Since electrons are much lighter than atoms, irregular thermal motion produces irregular oscillatory charge motion, which reflects a continuous spectrum of frequencies. Each oscillation at a particular frequency can be considered a tiny "antenna" that emits and receives electromagnetic radiation. As a piece of iron is heated to increasingly high temperatures, it first glows red, then yellow, and finally white. In short, all the colours of the visible spectrum are represented. Even before the iron begins to glow red, one can feel the emission of infrared waves by the heat sensation on the skin. A white-hot piece of iron also emits ultraviolet radiation, which can be detected by a photographic film.

Not all materials heated to the same temperature emit the same amount and spectral distribution of electromagnetic waves. For example, a piece of glass heated next to iron looks nearly colourless, but it feels hotter to the skin (it emits more infrared rays) than does the iron. This observation illustrates the rule of reciprocity: a body radiates strongly at those frequencies that it is able to absorb, because for both processes it needs the tiny antennas of that range of frequencies. Glass is transparent in the visible range of light because it lacks possible electronic absorption at these particular frequencies. As a consequence, glass cannot glow red because it cannot absorb red. On the other hand, glass is a better emitter/absorber in the infrared than iron or any other metal that strongly reflects such lower-frequency electromagnetic waves. This selective emissivity and absorptivity is important for understanding the greenhouse effect (see below The greenhouse effect of the atmosphere) and many other phenomena in nature. The tungsten filament of a lightbulb has a temperature of 2,500 K (4,040 °F) and emits large amounts of visible light but relatively little infrared because metals, as mentioned above, have small emissivities in the infrared range. This is of course fortunate, since one wants light from a lightbulb but not much heat. The light emitted by a candle originates from very hot carbon soot particles in the flame, which strongly absorb and thus emit visible light. By contrast, the gas flame of a kitchen range is pale, even though it is hotter than a candle flame, because of the absence of soot. Light from the stars originates from the high temperature of the gases at their surface. A wide spectrum of radiation is emitted from the Sun's surface, the temperature of which is about 5,800 K. The radiation output is 60 million watts for every square metre of solar surface, which is equivalent to the amount produced by an average-size commercial power-generating station that can supply electric power for about 30,000 households.

The spectral composition of a heated body depends on the materials of which the body consists. That is not the case for an ideal radiator or absorber. Such an ideal object absorbs and thus emits radiation of all frequencies equally and fully. A radiator/absorber of this kind is called a blackbody, and its radiation spectrum is referred to as blackbody radiation, which depends on only one parameter, its temperature. Scientists devise and study such ideal objects because their properties can be known exactly. This information can then be used to determine and understand why real objects, such as a piece of iron or glass, a cloud, or a star, behave differently.

A good approximation of a blackbody is a piece of coal or, better yet, a cavity in a piece of coal that is visible through a small opening. There is one property of blackbody radiation which is familiar to everyone but which is actually quite mysterious. As the piece of coal is heated to higher and higher temperatures, one first observes a dull red glow, followed by a change in colour to bright red; as the temperature is increased further, the colour changes to yellow and finally to white. White is not itself a colour but rather the visual effect of the combination of all primary colours. The fact that white glow is observed at high temperatures means that the colour blue has been added to the ones observed at lower temperatures. This colour change with temperature is mysterious because one would expect, as the energy (or temperature) is increased, just more of the same and not something entirely different. For example, as one increases the power of a radio amplifier, one hears the music louder but not at a higher pitch.

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The change in colour or frequency distribution of the electromagnetic radiation coming from heated bodies at different temperatures remained an enigma for centuries. The solution of this mystery by the German physicist Max Planck initiated the era of modern physics at the beginning of the 20th century. He explained the phenomenon by proposing that the tiny antennas in the heated body are quantized, meaning that they can emit electromagnetic radiation only in finite energy quanta of size hν. The universal constant h is called Planck's constant in his honour. For blue light hν = 3 eV, whereas hν = 1.8 eV for red light. Since high-frequency antennas of vibrating charges in solids have to emit larger energy quanta hν than lower-frequency antennas, they can only do so when the temperature, or the thermal atomic motion, becomes high enough. Hence, the average pitch, or peak frequency, of blackbody electromagnetic radiation increases with temperature.

The many tiny antennas in a heated chunk of material are, as noted above, to be identified with the accelerating and decelerating charges in the heat motion of the atoms of the material. There are other sources of continuous spectra of electromagnetic radiation that are not associated with heat but still come from accelerated or decelerated charges. X-rays are, for example, produced by abruptly stopping rapidly moving electrons. This deceleration of the charges produces bremsstrahlung ("braking radiation"). In an X-ray tube, electrons moving with an energy of E max = 10,000 to 50,000 eV (10–50 keV) are made to strike a piece of metal. The electromagnetic radiation produced by this sudden deceleration of electrons is a continuous spectrum extending up to the maximum photon energy hν = E max.

By far the brightest continuum spectra of electromagnetic radiation come from synchrotron radiation sources. These are not well known because they are predominantly used for research and sometimes for commercial and medical applications. Because any change in motion is an acceleration, circulating currents of electrons produce electromagnetic radiation. When these circulating electrons move at relativistic speeds (i.e., those approaching the speed of light), the brightness of the radiation increases enormously. This radiation was first observed at the General Electric Company in 1947 in an electron synchrotron (hence the name of this radiation), which is a type of particle accelerator that forces relativistic electrons into circular orbits by using powerful magnetic fields. The intensity of synchrotron radiation is further increased more than a thousandfold by wigglers and undulators that move the beam of relativistic electrons to and fro by means of other magnetic fields.

The conditions for generating bremsstrahlung as well as synchrotron radiation exist in nature in various forms. Acceleration and capture of charged particles by the gravitational field of a star, black hole, or galaxy is a source of energetic cosmic X-rays. Gamma rays are produced in other kinds of cosmic objects—namely, supernovae, neutron stars, and quasars.

Discrete-frequency sources and absorbers of electromagnetic radiation

These are commonly encountered in everyday life. Familiar examples of discrete-frequency electromagnetic radiation include the distinct colours of lamps filled with different fluorescent gases that are characteristic of advertisement signs, the colours of dyes and pigments, the bright yellow of sodium lamps, the blue-green hue of mercury lamps, and the specific colours of lasers.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation of specific frequency are typically atoms or molecules. Every atom or molecule can have certain discrete internal energies, which are called quantum states. An atom or molecule can therefore change its internal energy only by discrete amounts. By going from a higher to a lower energy state, a quantum hν of electromagnetic radiation is emitted of a magnitude that is precisely the energy difference between the higher and lower state. Absorption of a quantum hν takes the atom from a lower to a higher state if hν matches the energy difference. All like atoms are identical, but each chemical element of the periodic table has its own specific set of possible internal energies. Therefore, by measuring the characteristic and discrete electromagnetic radiation that is either emitted or absorbed by atoms or molecules, one can identify which kind of atom or molecule is giving off or absorbing the radiation. This provides a means of determining the chemical composition of substances. Since one cannot subject a piece of a distant star to conventional chemical analysis, studying the emission or absorption of starlight is the only way to determine the composition of stars or of interstellar gases and dust.

The Sun, for example, not only emits the continuous spectrum of radiation that originates from its hot surface but also emits discrete radiation quanta hν that are characteristic of its atomic composition. Many of the elements can be detected at the solar surface, but the most abundant is helium. This is so because helium is the end product of the nuclear fusion reaction that is the fundamental energy source of the Sun. This particular element was named helium (from the Greek word helios, meaning "Sun") because its existence was first discovered by its characteristic absorption energies in the Sun's spectrum. The helium of the cooler outer parts of the solar atmosphere absorbs the characteristic light frequencies from the lower and hotter regions of the Sun.

The characteristic and discrete energies hν found as emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation by atoms and molecules extend to X-ray energies. As high-energy electrons strike the piece of metal in an X-ray tube, electrons are knocked out of the inner energy shell of the atoms. These vacancies are then filled by electrons from the second or third shell; emitted in the process are X-rays having hν values that correspond to the energy differences of the shells. One therefore observes not only the continuous spectrum of the bremsstrahlung discussed above but also X-ray emissions of discrete energies hν that are characteristic of the specific elemental composition of the metal struck by the energetic electrons in the X-ray tube.

The discrete electromagnetic radiation energies hν emitted or absorbed by all substances reflect the discreteness of the internal energies of all material things. This means that window glass and water are transparent to visible light; they cannot absorb these visible light quanta because their internal energies are such that no energy difference between a higher and a lower internal state matches the energy hν of visible light. Figure 3 shows as an example the coefficient of absorption of water as a function of frequency ν of electromagnetic radiation. Above the scale of frequencies, the corresponding scales of photon energy hν and wavelength λ are given. An absorption coefficient α = 10−4 cm−1 means that the intensity of electromagnetic radiation is only one-third its original value after passing through 100 metres of water. When α = 1 cm−1, only a layer 1 cm thick is needed to decrease the intensity to one-third its original value, and, for α = 103 cm, a layer of water having the thickness of a thin sheet of paper is sufficient to attenuate electromagnetic radiation by that much. The transparency of water to visible light, marked by the vertical dashed lines, is a remarkable feature that is significant for life on Earth.

All things look so different and have different colours because of their different sets of internal discrete energies, which determine their interaction with electromagnetic radiation. The words looking and colours are associated with the human detectors of electromagnetic radiation, the eyes. Since there are instruments available for detecting electromagnetic radiation of any frequency, one can imagine that things "look" different at different energies of the spectrum because different materials have their own characteristic sets of discrete internal energies. Even the nuclei of atoms are composites of other elementary particles and thus can be excited to many discrete internal energy states. Since nuclear energies are much larger than atomic energies, the energy differences between internal energy states are substantially larger, and the corresponding electromagnetic radiation quanta hν emitted or absorbed when nuclei change their energies are even bigger than those of X-rays. Such quanta given off or absorbed by atomic nuclei are called gamma rays (see above The electromagnetic spectrum).


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